As a digital augmented reality artist, SVRVH is fascinated by the convergence of virtual and physical realities, and the endless possibilities it presents for artistic expression. The aim is to blur the boundaries between the digital and the tangible, inviting viewers to reimagine their perception of space and interaction.

At the core is the fascination of how AR technology can transform ordinary environments into immersive, interactive experiences. By overlaying digital motion elements onto the physical still world, her artworks that are created transcend traditional mediums, inviting audiences to engage with art in entirely new ways.

Within the AR works, she strives to create moments of wonder and discovery. By seamlessly integrating digital elements into the physical environment, the aim is to evoke a sense of magic and possibility, encouraging viewers to question their perception of reality and engage with the world around them in a deeper, more meaningful way.

Ultimately, the goal as a digital AR artist is to inspire curiosity, imagination, and connection. Whether it's a fleeting encounter on a city street or a shared moment of wonder in a public space, it is believed that art has the power to transform our perception of the world and enrich our lived experiences.

Through my work, I invite viewers to join me on a journey of exploration and discovery, where the boundaries between the real and the virtual blur, and new possibilities emerge at every turn. As humans we are constantly evolving. Art has that same development. I could write you a synopsis about my preferred methodology, but with time that will change. Follow me on my journey of exploration.

Sarah K.